HP LineJet Printers - QMS Code V Technical Reference Manual, 171251-001PX

Dot Slew
Dot Slew
Purpose Changes the vertical print position by specifying a number of dot
rows to advance the paper from the current print position.
Mode Graphics with a Standard Graphic Command selected
Format (cc) D
(cc) Represents the Special Function Control Code
(SFCC). Enter the specific SFCC for your Code V
D The Dot Slew command. Enter D.
Specifies the number of dot rows to advance (slew)
the paper from the current print position. Enter a
two-digit number of dot rows ranging from 01
through 99. For example, enter 05 to slew 5 dot
rows, 21 to slew 21 dot rows.
(cc)- Graphics Mode CR. Enter the SFCC for your Code
V configuration immediately followed by - to end the
command sequence.
Comments The ^D
Dot Slew command dot values will be interpreted as 72
dpi P-Series dots.
Duplication, Horizontal
Purpose Activates horizontal duplication.
Mode Graphics with a Standard Graphics Command selected
Format (cc) S
n spacing
(cc)S (cc)-
(cc) Represents the Special Function Control Code
(SFCC). Enter the specific SFCC for your Code V
S The Horizontal Duplication command. Enter S to
turn on the horizontal duplication feature.
Specifies the number of horizontal duplications to
print. Enter a two-digit number ranging from 00
through 99 to specify the number of copies.
Represents the amount of spacing, in tenth inches,
between each duplication. The spacing amount
should include a sufficient space to contain the
complete printed result of the duplicated command
sequence plus space for a margin between copies.
The right edge of the last duplication must not
exceed the selected page width. Enter a two-digit
number ranging from 00 through 99 to specify a 0.0
through 9.9 inch spacing for the copies.