HP LineJet Printers - QMS Code V Technical Reference Manual, 171251-001PX

Purpose Produces a variety of rectangular boxes.
Mode Graphics with an Extended Graphics Command selected
Format (cc) LB
horz vert h v
(cc) Represents the Special Function Control Code
(SFCC). Enter the specific SFCC for your Code V
LB The Box command. Enter LB.
Defines the horizontal length of the box in tenth
inches and dot columns. Enter a three-digit
horizontal length value ranging from 000 through
999 to define a horizontal length of 00.0 through
99.9 inches and a fourth digit ranging from 0
through 9 to specify 0 through 9 additional dot
columns of length. The Code V automatically
understands the decimal between the second and
third digits for tenth inches and automatically
interprets the fourth digit as dot columns. For
example, entering 0126 specifies a 1.2-inch plus 6-
dot column horizontal length; entering 1016
specifies a 10.1-inch plus 6-dot column horizontal
Defines the vertical length of the box in tenth inches
and dot rows. Enter a three-digit vertical length
value ranging from 000 through 999 to define a
vertical length of 00.0 through 99.9 inches and a
fourth digit ranging from 0 through 9 to specify 0
through 9 additional dot rows of length. The Code V
automatically understands the decimal between the
second and third digits for tenth inches and
automatically interprets the fourth digit as dot rows.
For example, entering 0204 specifies a 2.0-inch
plus 4-dot row vertical length; entering 0242
specifies a 2.4-inch and 2-dot row vertical length.
Defines the horizontal border thickness in
thousandth inches. Enter a one-digit horizontal
value ranging from 1 through 9 to define a
horizontal thickness of 1 through 9 IGP dots.
Defines the vertical border thickness in thousandth
inches. Enter a one-digit vertical value ranging from
1 through 9 to define a vertical thickness of 1
through 9 IGP dots.
(cc) Represents the Special Function Control Code
(SFCC). Enter the specific SFCC for your Code V