HP LineJet Printers - IGP/PGL Technical Reference Manual, 171250-001PX

Purpose Automatically executes and loads IGP/PGL commands such as
forms, logos, customized print environments, etc., from flash
memory to the printer whenever printer power is applied or when
the RESET command (page 82) is sent.
Format (cc)SETUP
(cc) The Special Function Control Code.
SETUP The Setup command; enter SETUP.
Any IGP/PGL commands, form definitions, text, etc.
to be stored and executed at power-up.
SETUPEND Finishes storing host data and returns the printer to
the NORMAL mode. Enter SETUPEND.
Comments Because the RESET command causes the setup routine to be
executed, the RESET command can not be in the SETUP
information or else an infinite loop will occur.
If IGP/PGL commands have not been added between the SETUP
and SETUPEND commands, the SETUP.PTX file on the flash
memory is automatically deleted, and no IGP/PGL SETUP
commands are executed upon printer power-up.
Note The SETUP.PTX is automatically created by the IGP/PGL
when the ~SETUPEND command is received. When the
SETUP.PTX file is not on the flash memory, no extra
IGP/PGL commands are performed on power up.