HP LineJet Printers - Printer Manager User's Guide, 170988-001PX

Configuration Editor
Menu Editor
Double-clicking on any menu item brings up the Menu Editor
window. In Figure 20, below, the user has double-clicked on the
Printer Protocol option.
Figure 20
. Menu Editor (Line Matrix)
By using the Menu Editor, you may view and adjust the settings
of all nine of the printer configurations at the same time. To
change any setting, click on the pull-down arrow underneath the
appropriate configuration and choose the option you want. If a
configuration does not exist yet, its name and settings are
grayed out; you must create the configuration before you can
edit it (see page 42).
Select the Hidden button under any configuration to hide this
menu item in the operator panel. Select the Hide All button to
hide this menu item in all configurations. (For more information
on hiding, see page 45.)