HP LineJet Printers - Printer Manager User's Guide, 170988-001PX

Managing the Database
In the sample database, the printers are organized into Buildings
A and B. Inside the Building A folder, the printers in the
Manufacturing and Administration areas have been separated
into sub-folders and given their own download and configuration
files. The Conference Room printer also has its own
configuration file. Two of the printers from Building A require
special fonts, so those printers have been duplicated in the
Special Fonts folder, along with the file which contains those
fonts. The Building B printers are not listed because that folder is
Example 1
The user of the sample database selects the Conference Room
printer, then clicks Applications Configuration Download.
The following dialog box appears:
The dialog box displays the printer receiving the file, the name of
the file being sent, the progress of the download, and the
configurations contained within the file. According to the dialog
box, the Conference Configs.cfg file contains a factory
configuration as well as two user-defined configurations. When
the user clicks on Upgrade, the Conference Configs.cfg
file is sent to the Conference Room printer. The dialog box
indicates the progress of the file as it downloads.