HP LaserJet P2030 Series - Software Technical Reference

within the driver or what the driver receives from the software program (if the software program does
not negotiate the paper size with the driver). The driver scales the page by the appropriate factor and
sends it to the product.
The limits of the range are from 25% to 400%, and any values outside the range are adjusted to those
limits as soon as the focus is removed from the control (that is, when the Tab key is pressed or another
control is selected).
Any change to the scale also changes the page preview, which increases or decreases from the upper-
left corner of the preview.
The slider bar controls the scale directly. The value in the edit box changes as the scroll bar indicator
is dragged, and the preview image is updated to the new image scale. Each click on the scroll bar arrows
increases or decreases the scale by 1%. Each click on the slider bar affects the scale by 10%.
You cannot achieve an exact value by dragging the scroll bar indicator at the default Microsoft Windows
resolution; use the scroll bar indicator to approximate the value, and then use the scroll bar arrows to
refine the value.
The following settings disable % of Normal Size:
Print Document On (on the Effects tab) is selected .
Pages per Sheet (on the Finishing tab) is not 1.
Document preview image
See Document Preview Image on page 96 for information about this feature.
Use the Watermarks feature to select a watermark, create a custom watermark (text only), or edit an
existing watermark. The following watermarks are preset in the driver.
Current Watermarks
Watermark Message
Message Angle
Font Attributes
The drop-down menu shows alphabetically sorted watermarks that are currently available on the system
plus the string "(none)", which indicates that no watermark is selected. This is the default setting. Any
watermark selected from this list appears in the preview image.
When the First Page Only check box is selected, the watermark is printed only on the first page of the
document. The First Page Only check box is disabled when the current watermark selection is "(none)".
Watermarks are applied to logical pages. For example, when Pages per Sheet is set to "4" and First
Page Only is turned off, four watermarks appear on the page (one on each logical page).
ENWW Effects tab features 109
HP print drivers for