HP LaserJet 9000 Series Printer - Introduce Guide

1 Printer information 19
Understanding printer messages
Understanding printer messages
Printer messages appear on the printer control panel display to relay the normal status of the printer (such as
Processing Job), or an error condition (such as Close Front Door) that needs attention. This printer features
an online help system that provides instructions for resolving most printer errors. Certain control-panel error
messages alternate with instructions on gaining access to the online help system.
Getting help for a message
Whenever a ? appears in an error message or a message alternates with FOR HELP PRESS THE ? KEY, press the
key to navigate through a sequence of instructions.
To exit the online help system, press P
If a message persists
l If a message persists, press to continue or press for additional help.
l If a message persists after performing all of the recommended actions, contact an HP-authorized service
or support provider. For contacts, see Customer support options worldwide on page 6.