HP Digital Sender Module - Administrator's Guide

Troubleshooting the software 59
Wrong Login Name or
An invalid login name or
password was entered.
Make sure that your
password is entered
Make sure the login name
You entered a wrong
maximum of hits number.
During the procedure to import
e-mail addresses, the number
of maximum hits (results) you
entered is more than the
search can return.
Enter a smaller number.
Your query has exceeded the
size limit.
During the procedure to import
e-mail addresses, the search
found a greater number of
entries that match the search
criteria than allowed by the
Narrow the search in the
Directory search dialog
box. Narrow the Name or
E-mail address search
criteria to return fewer
entries. (For example,
search for Smithson
instead of Smith.) See the
online help for information
on how to search a
directory and import
HP Address Book Manager messages (continued)
Message Description Actions