HP PCL/PJL reference - Printer Job Language Technical Reference Manual

9-6 PJL File System Commands EN
example, to display the directory listing beginning with line 5,
you would use ENTRY=5. The entry value must be greater
than 0. Also, if the entry value is larger than the actual number
of entries, the response will not include any entries.
COUNT = integerThe count variable specifies the number
of entries to be returned. If the specified count is greater than
the actual number of entries in the specified range, the actual
number of entries will be displayed.
Printer Responses
The printer response indicates the number of bytes in the listed files
(SIZE=number of bytes). If the pathname is invalid, a FILEERROR
number is returned. This error number is equivalent to the PJL File
System error numbers (32xxx) listed in Appendix D, minus the 32 and
the leading zeros. For example, if the printer returns FILEERROR=17,
the error is equivalent to status code 32017 (Invalid parameter),
meaning the FSDIRLIST command contained an invalid parameter.
See PJL File System Errors (32xxx) in Appendix D for a complete list
of error codes.
Example: Using the FSDIRLIST Command
This example demonstrates using the FSDIRLIST command to return
a directory list from the printer's file system.
@PJL FSDIRLIST NAME = "0:\pcl\macros" ENTRY=1
~COUNT=25 <CR><LF>
A sample response would appear similar to this:
@PJL FSDIRLIST NAME = "0:\pcl\macros"
invoice.prn.rl TYPE=FILE SIZE=1619<CR><LF>
page1.prn.tf TYPE=FILE SIZE=2260<CR><LF>
gen_cond.prn.mt TYPE=FILE SIZE=900<CR><LF>
pclResourceFile TYPE=FILE SIZE=420<CR><LF>
Related Commands: