HP SureStore CD-ROM Server/Tower User's Guide - 5967-2149

Setup for Microsoft Networks (SMB) 4-13
So that the server will appear in your SMB domains or work-
groups, change the following SMB parameter:.
Access Rights
The HP CD-ROM server can be configured to restrict user access
to CD-ROM drives, to individual CDs, and to the server configu-
ration. A password can be configured for SMB user-level access
control. You can limit the number of users simultaneously
accessing any CD to comply with user-license restrictions. And
we recommend that you restrict access to the config and
volumes directories on the server.
Access restrictions are set individually for each protocol. If you
use other network protocols in addition to SMB, consult the
other chapters for setup of those protocols. (The default settings
in some protocols provide full access rights to all users, so we
recommend that you disable all protocols not being used. If you
do not, a user accessing the server through such a protocol may
be given full access rights, regardless of the security configura-
tions in other protocols.)
Server Password
One access restriction that is set for access to the server gener-
ally is the server password. You can change the following gen-
eral parameter:
Parameter Name Example Value Description
Domain/GroupName Finance
Existing SMB domain or
workgroup name.
Parameter Name
The Supervisor, Administrator, or Root
password used for protocols HTTP,
NetWare bindery, SMB user level,
SNMP, and FTP. After the configuration
is written, the password appears as an
asterisk * for each character.