HP Code Advisor C.02.25 User Guide (5900-1864, August 2012)

The HTML report has the following options when it is viewed from the web browser:
Tabbed Interface: Summary report and warnings for each severity level are placed in different
tabs, which is named according to severity level.
Hot Keys to Navigate Tabs:
Ctrl + Alt + 0 : Shows summary tab.
Ctrl + Alt + (1-9): Shows severity tab corresponding to pressed numeric key.
Sorting and Text filtering options are available in the severity tabs.
Multi Page viewing: If the number of diagnostics messages exceeds 1000, a drop down page
list is shown at top right side on the table. You can select a desired page number from the
list. The selected page is loaded.
6.7 Generating XML report
The -xml[=<filename>] option generates the specified cadvise report in XML format and stores
it in the specified filename. To generate XML reports, run the following command:
$ cadvise report -pdb <pdb-name> +metrics -xml=<filename>
If you do not specify the filename, cadvise stores the data in the cadvise_metrics.xml file for
metrics reports and cadvise_report.xml for diagnostic reports, in the current directory. The
Hierarchy of the XML elements for metrics report is as follows:
Following example shows the command to generate XML report.
Example 25 Generating an XML report
$ cadvise report -pdb testpdb +metrics -xml=metricsreport.xml
6.8 Printing diagnostics with specific diagnostic numbers
Each distinct type of diagnostic message generated by cadvise has a number associated with it.
The -diag N1,N2,N3,...,Nn option prints only those diagnostics with the specified diagnostic
number(s). This allows you to focus on specific diagnostic messages.
NOTE: You can use the -diag option along with other filtering options, such as -exclude,
-include, and -severity. For more information, see “Report options interoperability” (page 40).
The following example shows the report for a specific diagnostic number.
30 Generating reports