HP StorageWorks 4x00/6x00/8x00 Enterprise Virtual Array Updating Product Software Guide (XCS 6.220) (5697-0459, October 2010)

Unknown storage systemcause 2
HP Command View EVA can only manage controllers that are running supported XCS versions.
Corrective Action for Unknown Storage SystemCause 2
Ensure that you are running the HP Command View EVA version that is compatible with XCS 6.220.
See the "HP Command View EVA interoperability support" table in the HP StorageWorks Enterprise
Virtual Array compatibility reference to determine which version of HP Command View EVA you
should be running. Then, upgrade HP Command View EVA to a compatible version. See Required
documentation on page 10 for the link to this document.
No storage systems found
HP Command View EVA does not display any storage systems, even though they are on the fabric.
Cause of the error
Several conditions can cause this symptom. Table 8 lists some possible causes of these errors and
their corrective actions.
Corrective action
Table 8 Possible causes and corrective actions when no storage system found
Corrective ActionPossible Cause
Check the connection configuration between the management server and
the controller pair. The management server must have a communication
path to both controllers in case one controller loses communications with
the server.
The management server may not be able to
communicate with either controller.
Enter the correct password through HP Command View EVA or disable
the password on the controller.
When HP Command View EVA is first starting
up, a password may be enabled on the con-
trollers, but a password has not been entered
in HP Command View EVA.
Verify that switches are zoned correctly.
The switches may not be correctly zoned,
making a storage system invisible to HP
Command View EVA.
1. Verify that the controllers are up and functioning properly.
2. Check the cable connections between the management server and
the switch.
3. Verify that switch zoning is correct.
4. Click Discover.
HP Command View EVA may have been re-
started while there was a communication
failure between HP Command View EVA and
the controllers. When restart is completed,
the storage system that lost communication
will not be visible.