HP StorageWorks 4x00/6x00/8x00 Enterprise Virtual Array Updating Product Software Guide XCS 6.110 (5697-6782, June 2007)

Tab le 10 System soft ware code segm en t descriptions
Segment Description
Before text Text le with information about the new code and upgrade requirements.
Displayed by HP Command View EVA and not sent to the controller.
Information le File stored on the controller's card describing contents of this superle.
OCP image
Firmware for the Operator Controller Panel (LCD entry and display panel) PIC
(8-bit) processor chip.
SDC i mage
Firmware for System Data Center (Battery, Temperature and Blower manager) PIC
(8-bit) processor chip.
Glue image
Firmware for the GLUE chip FPGA, stored in EEPROM.
CBIC image
Firmware for the CanBus Interface Chip (drive shelf out-of-band communications
chip) PIC (8-bit) processor chip.
Event text le
File enabling
HP Command View EV A to translate binary event data to text. Not
sent to the co
EMU image
Firmware for the Drive Shelf Environmental Monitoring Unit (EMU) module. Stored
on the controllers program card and contains the image for the CTS I/O module.
Boot image
Initial Firmware that the controller's main processor (PPC) runs a fter reset or
EVA rmware that is upgraded and provides support for all EVA functions.
After text T ext le with information d eclaring that upgrade has completed and describing
and post-upgrade requirements. Displayed by HP Command View EVA and not
sent to the controller.
9. Click Finish.
The following conrmation message opens.
10. Click OK to upgrade the system software on the controllers. Click Cancel to stop the cod e load
process and return to the Stora ge System Properties window.
The upgrade process begins and the Initializing rmware code load page opens. See Figure 16.
This page is displayed until the controller code load is complete and the controllers restart. During
this inter val both controllers resync and beg in operating on the new rmware code. Once the resync
is complete, the controllers begin processing host I/Os.
Additional code within the storage system is now updated, which can take up to 10 minutes to
complete. This includes rmware on the EM U and I/O modules in the disk enclosures. During this
interval, the Storage System Updating Firmware window opens. See Figure 17.
Upgrading the Enterprise Virtual Array