HP StorageWorks 4x00/6x00/8x00 Enterprise Virtual Array Updating Product Software Guide XCS 6.110 (5697-6782, June 2007)

2 Pre-upgrade tasks
There are a number of necessary tasks that can be per formed prior to beginning the upgrade. Performing
these tasks prior to, rather than during, the upgrade minimizes the tim e required to perform the XCS
upgrade procedure.
The required tasks differ depending on your system conguration. They focus on upgrading components
to ensure they meet the supported conguration for XCS 6.110. Table 4 provides a checklist so you can
track your progress as you per form these pre-upgrade tasks.
Table 4 XCS 6.110 Pre-upgrade task checklist
Checking current software versions,page15
Time required: 1015 minutes
When to perform: Any time prior to the upgrade
Check versions of all applicable installed management software.
Checking the storage system hardware,page18
Time required: 15 2 0 m i n u t e s
When to perform: 1–2 weeks prior to the upgrade. Provide enough ti me to ord er and replace any failed
Check hardware status using HP Command View EVA.
Check hardware components in the Unmappable Hardware folder.
Replace hardware as needed.
Checking and upgrading your SAN infrastructure,page20
Time required: Varies depending on how many hardware and software components require replacement
or upgrade
When to perform: Any time prior to the upgrade
Things you will need:
Connectivity release notes. See "Required documentation"onpage11.
SAN Visibility tool. See "Collecting SAN conguration data using SAN Visibility"onpage20
Verify Fibre Channel switch rmware is supported.
Upgrade unsupported components as necessary.
Selecting an appropriate time to perform an online upgrade, page 25
Time required: Varies depending on how long it will take to gather I/O data
When to perform: Any time prior to the upgrade
Ru n HP Command View EVAPerf to g ather I/O data.
Analyze data to identify a time period that meets the I/O criteria.
Managing host I/O timeouts for an online upgrade, page 30
Time required: Varies depending on number of hosts
When to perform: Any time prior to the upgrade
Determine if any host LUN timeouts have been changed from their defaults.
Reset any changed LUN timeout parameters to a minimum of 60 seconds.
Managing application I/O timeouts for an online upgrade,page33
Time required: Varies dep end ing on number of applications
When to perform: Any time prior to the upgrade
Determineifanyapplicationshavetimeoutssettomore stringent values than the host LUN timeouts.
Change application timeout parameters to host LUN timeout values.
HP StorageWorks 4x00/6x00/8x00 Enterprise Virtual Array updating product software guide XCS 6.110