Brocade Fabric OS Encryption Administrator's Guide Supporting Fabric OS v6.2.0 (53-1001201-04, May 2009)

Encryption Administrator’s Guide 31
Encryption Targets dialog box
TABLE 4 Encryption Targets dialog box functionality
Feature Description
Add button Launches the Storage Encryption Setup Wizard, which enables you to
configure a new target for encryption. It is the first step in configuring
encryption for a storage device.
It is recommended that you zone the host and target together before you
add container information.
Note: If the group is in OK-Converged mode, the group leader can
communicate with all members. The Configure Storage Encryption
wizard dialog box launches when you click Add.
If a group is in the Degraded state, the following operations are not
allowed: key vault changes, master key operations, enable/disable
encryption engines, failback mode changes, HA Cluster creation or
addition (removal is allowed), tape pool changes, and any
configuration changes for storage targets, hosts, and LUNs.
If a group is in the Unknown state, the group leader is in an
unmanaged fabric.
Remove button Removes a selected target.
Warning: Removing a selected target can result in data loss, if the host is
writing to the target as it is removed. Removing the target will result in
lost access to the data, but the data remains encrypted on the target.
Proceed only if the data on the LUN is to be disabled or if the LUN is to be
configured for encryption again on some other encryption engine. If the
LUN data is to be enabled and later accessed by way of another
encryption engine, you should unzone the host with the encryption
engine before you remove the encryption target from the encryption
engine. This prevents the host from accidentally writing to the encryption
target during the unencrypted interim period.
Move button Moves one encryption target to a different encryption engine. The target
and engine must be in the same encryption group.
Hosts button Launches the Encryption Target Hosts dialog box, where you can
configure hosts to access the selected encryption target.
LUNs button Launches the Encryption Target LUNs dialog box, where you can display
existing LUNs and add new LUNs. The button is enabled only if there are
hosts associated with the targets.
Commit button Commits LUN changes, including adding, removing, or modifying disk or
tape LUNs.
If there are multiple paths to the same physical LUNs, then the LUNs are
added to multiple target containers (one target per storage device port).
When adding, modifying, or removing multi-pathed LUNs, make the
same changes in all target containers, and then click Commit to apply all
the changes at once. This keeps the LUN settings consistent on each
There is a limit of 25 LUN changes, including adding, modifying, or
removing LUNs, per Commit operation.
Note: The Commit button can also be used to re-create any redirection
zones that were accidentally modified or removed.
Properties button Launches the Encryption Target Properties dialog box.
Refresh button Refreshes the displayed data from the database maintained on the
server. It does not collect new information from the hardware switches.