Brocade Fabric OS Encryption Administrator's Guide Supporting Fabric OS v6.2.0 (53-1001201-04, May 2009)

Encryption Administrator’s Guide 163
Data re-keying
Initiating a manual re-key session
If auto re-keying is disabled, you can still initiate a re-keying session manually at your own
convenience. All encryption engines in a given HA cluster, DEK cluster, or encryption group must be
online for this operation to succeed,
The manual re-keying feature is useful when the key is compromised and you want to re-encrypt
existing data on the LUN before taking action on the compromised key.
Do not commit this operation if there are any changes pending for the container in which the
re-key was started. If you attempt to do this, the system displays a warning stating that the
encryption engine is busy and a forced commit is required for the changes to take effect. A forced
commit in this situation will halt any re-key that is in-progress (in any container) and corrupt any
LUN that is running re-key at the time. There is no recovery for this type of failure.
1. Log into the group leader as FabricAdmin.
2. Ensure that all encryption engines in the HA cluster, DEK cluster, or encryption group are
online by issuing the cryptocfg --show -groupmember -all command.
3. Enter the cryptocfg
--manual_rekey command. Specify the CryptoTarget container name, the
LUN number and the initiator PWWN.
FabricAdmin:switch>cryptocfg --manual_rekey my_disk_tgt 0x0\
Operation Succeeded
Please check the status of the operation using "cryptocfg --show -rekey"
4. Check the status of the re-keying session.
FabricAdmin:switch> cryptocfg --show -rekey -all
Number of rekey session(s):1
Container name:my_disk_tgt
EE node:10:00:00:05:1e:53:8b:15
EE slot:0
Target:29:af:00:11:0d:03:00:04 29:af:00:11:0d:03:00:04
Target PID:030e04
VT: 20:14:00:05:1e:53:74:fd 20:14:00:05:1e:53:74:fd
VT PID:5e3201
Host: 10:00:00:05:1e:53:37:99 20:00:00:05:1e:53:37:99
Host PID:030a00
VI: 20:20:00:05:1e:53:74:fd 20:21:00:05:1e:53:74:fd
VI PID:5e3301
LUN number:0x0
LUN serial number:600110D00004000000000004000000000400000000000000
Rekey session number:5
Percentage complete:10
Rekey state:Write Phase
Rekey role:Primary/Active
Block size:512
Number of blocks:909312
Current LBA:818704
Operation succeeded.