FW 07.00.00/HAFM SW 08.06.00 McDATA Enterprise Operating System Command Line Interface User Manual (620-000134-720, April 2005)

Table Of Contents
CLI Commands
Syntax deactivateFabBind
Purpose This command deactivates the active FBML on the fabric. The Active
FBML is erased when this command is executed.
NOTE: This command takes effect immediately in the fabric.
Parameters This command has no parameters.
Command Example
Root> config security fabricbinding deactivateFabBind
Syntax deleteMember wwn domainId
Purpose This command removes a member from the Pending FBML in the
fabric binding work area. The local member and attached members
cannot be deleted from the list.
NOTE: Changes are not activated to the fabric until the activatePending
command is issued.
Parameters This command has two parameters:
Command Examples
Root> config security fabricBinding deleteMember
Root> config security fabricBinding deleteMember 2
wwn Specifies the WWN of the member to be
removed from the Pending FBML. The value of
the WWN must be in colon-delimited
hexadecimal notation (for example,
domainId The domain ID of the member to be removed
from the Pending FBML. Valid domain IDs
range from 1 to 239.