FW 07.00.00/HAFM SW 08.06.00 McDATA Enterprise Operating System Command Line Interface User Manual (620-000134-720, April 2005)

Table Of Contents
Enterprise Operating System Command Line Interface User Manual
Syntax show
Purpose This command shows the Ficon MS settings
Parameters This command has no parameters.
Command Example
Root> config ficonMS show
Output The data is displayed as a table that includes the following
Output Example The output from the config ficonMS show command displays as
Ficon MS State: Disabled
Ficon MIHPTO (seconds): 180
Syntax ethernet ipAddress gatewayAddress subnetMask
Purpose This command sets the Ethernet network settings.
ATTENTION! The Telnet connection can be lost when these Ethernet
network settings are changed.
NOTE: If the IP address is reconfigured, your Telnet client must be
reconnected to the new IP address. A new login will be requested.
Ficon MS State The state of the FICON MS feature.
Ficon MIHPTO The FICON MIHPTO value in seconds.