HP Designjet Scanner - Users Manual

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how do I make network settings?
These actions will make your system recognizable to others on the
NOTE: If the Administrator password has been setup and
activated, you will be prompted for it before being able to make
the network settings.
to make your system's network settings...
1. Select the Setup Tab.
2. Select Options > System.
3. Select the Advanced button.
4. Enter the Administrator password if prompted by the
5. Press the Network Settings button.
6. Select the DHCP option if you know that your network has
a DHCP server. This will let the system find the network
connection information automatically.
7. Select the Manually option for manual connection. Obtain
the IP address, and other relevant network connection
information from your system administrator.
8. Click OK for each setting.
9. You can protect your system's shared folders from
unwelcome network access by applying a login and
password under the FTP and WebDAV option area.
Click the Login and Password buttons to enter strings and
apply them.
Note that the string "@scanner" is always appended to
the entered login name.
Pressing the Reset button will remove login/password
protection for FTP/WebDAV access and thereby bring the
system back to its default mode (unprotected access to
the system's shared folders).
file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/bfm/Desktop/HP%2...at%20-%20all%20languages/English/4500/html/djcc-82.htm (1 of 2)28-11-2007 12:14:08