HP DesignJet 3000/3500 CP Printer User's Guide - C4724-90051

Solving Problems with Image Position or Content
If the Entire Image is in One Quadrant of the Correct
Printing Area
Is the page size configured in the software too small?
Are you sure that your software doesn’t believe the image to be in one quadrant
of the page?
Otherwise, this indicates an incompatibility between the software and the printer:
Is your software configured for this printer? For general advice, see Set Up Your
Software in the Setup Guide. For advice specific to your software, see either the
documentation supplied with the driver or any Software Application Notes
supplied with your printer.
If you still haven’t found the solution, try changing the printers Graphics
Language setting on the front panel (Device setup / Lang).
If the Image Is Unexpectedly Rotated
Check the front-panel Page format / Rotate setting. See page 5-4, Do You Need
to Adjust the Page Size in the Front Panel?
For non-PostScript files: If Queueing and Nesting are both ON, pages may be
automatically rotated to save media. See page 5-15, The file is an RTL/HP-GL/2
file and the file contains no raster data.
For an explanation of rotation for PostScript files, see page 5-15, Rotating an
If the Print Is a Mirror Image of Your Image
Check the front-panel Page format / Mirror setting.
If the Print Is Inaccurate
If you notice problems with accuracy, print the Service Config print, as
explained on page 8-6, Recalibrating the Printer for Accuracy, to see if the
printer needs to be recalibrated.
Try running the image quality check to determine if the problem is connected to
the ink system. See 11-5, Solving Image-Quality Problems
If the Print is Distorted or Unintelligible
The interface cable between your computer and the printer could be faulty. Try