Data Protector Express User Guide (TC330-96005, September 2011)
Table Of Contents
- User Guide
- Contents
- 1 Overview
- 2 Administering Backup
- 3 Configuring Backup Jobs
- 4 Configuring Restore and Verify Jobs
- 5 Working With Devices
- 6 Scheduling, Rotations, and Media Management
- 7 Encryption and Compression
- 8 Working with Third-Party Applications
- Microsoft Exchange Server
- Working with Microsoft SQL Server
- Microsoft SQL server concepts
- Configuring the Microsoft SQL Server
- Backing up Microsoft SQL Server
- Restoring Microsoft SQL Server
- Restoring Microsoft SQL Server user databases
- Restoring Microsoft SQL Server master databases
- Restoring Microsoft SQL Server 2000 master databases
- Restoring Microsoft SQL Server 7 master databases
- Protecting Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services
- Working with Certificate Services
- 9 Disaster Recovery
- 10 Backup Domain Configuration
- 11 Advanced Job Options
- 12 Support and other resources
- Index
being aware of the statements and system procedures, and the equivalent actions in SQL Enterprise
Manager, that modify it.
The most common statements and system procedures that modify master are:
• sp_dropremotelogin
• sp_addumpdevice
• sp_dropdevice
• sp_addlogin
• sp_droplogin
• sp_addserver
• sp_dropserver
• sp_addremotelogin
If a user database is created, expanded or shrunk after the most recent dump (backup) of the
master database and if it becomes necessary to reload the master database, then that user database
and all data in will be lost and must be restored from backup.
CAUTION: Because of this, always dump (back up) the master database after creating, expanding
or shrinking user databases.
To recover a damaged master database:
1. Stop the Data Protector Express and SQL Server services
2. Rebuild the master database
3. Restart SQL Server in single-user mode
4. Restore the master database from the most recent backup
5. Apply changes to the master database. Apply any changes that were not included in the most
recent backup.
6. Drop invalid databases. Drop invalid databases from the newly restored master database.
7. Start the Data Protector Express and SQL Server services
8. Restore the msdb database
Each of these steps is described below in more detail.
Stop the Data Protector Express and SQL Server services
1. Exit Data Protector Express.
Working with Microsoft SQL Server 55