HP StorageWorks D2D Backup System User Guide (EH880-90950, October 2007)

General tab
You do not normal
ly need to make any changes on the General tab. The Initiator Node Name is
generated auto
matically, which g uarantees that it will b e unique on your net work. The other elds
relate to authe
ntication and are not ne ede d for the HP D2D Backup System. Only use them if required
to by your IT policy. (If you use Secret toenteranencryptionstringinthisdialogtoauthenticate
targets, you must also enter the same string on the Web Management interface in the iSCSI page. (See
iSCSI (Status)”onpage77.)
When you use the Web Management Interface to create an additional device for your host, you must
provide the iSCSI Initia tor Name.ThisistheInitiator N od e Name found on the General tab.
Discovery tab
You must enter the IP address or fully qualied domain name of the HP D2D Backup System (for example,
myhpd2d.mydomain.com)toadditasatargetportalforthehostontheDiscovery tab. Do not change
the Port; it should be 3260.
Advanced installation