HP Integrity Virtual Server Manager 6.0 User Guide

Migration status and error notification
The migration status of a virtual machine  including the direction of migration, percentage
completion per phase (for online migration only), and error messages  is displayed on the VM
Properties General tab. The VM Host Virtual Machines tab also indicates migration status (use this
tab to monitor the migration of multiple virtual machines). For more information, see VM Properties
General tab” (page 45) and VSP Virtual Servers tab” (page 24).
If errors occur during an attempt to migrate a virtual machine online, the VM Host Virtual Machines
tab (for the source VM Host) displays the Migration Error icon ( ) next to the name of the affected
virtual machine. Information about the migration-related errors is on the VM Properties General
tab. For more information about status icons, see “Status indicators” (page 126).
Various conditions can cause an online migration to abort: insufficient resources on the target host,
busy source or target hosts, a slow private network connection, an excessively busy guest (virtual
machine operating system and applications), and so on. When a migration aborts, the guest
continues to run, unaffected, on the source VM Host. Therefore, these are not serious errors. You
can attempt the online migration again when the blocking conditions improve.
After a virtual machine successfully migrates to another VM Host, it is placed in the Not Runnable
state on the source VM Host. A virtual machine in this state cannot be modified or started. If you
never intend to migrate the virtual machine back to the source VM Host, you can remove the virtual
machine configuration by using the VM Manager DeleteVirtual Machine... menu item.
The state of the virtual machine is displayed by the HW column on the VM Host Virtual Machines
tab. The Not Runnable state is indicated by the following status icon: . The VM Properties General
tab also displays the state of the virtual machine (in the Virtual Hardware Status field).
Adjusting online migration phase timeout values
To protect the guest's workload, the online migration software limits the amount of time spent in
each phase of the migration. If necessary, the VM Host administrator can carefully adjust migration
time outs for each phase by using the hpvmmodify -x command, as documented in the HP
Integrity Virtual Machines Installation, Configuration, and Administration manual.
Starting the Migrate Virtual Machine wizard
To migrate one or more virtual machines, follow these steps:
1. If you want to migrate a single virtual machine, access any VM Properties view, and skip to
the next step.
If you want to migrate several virtual machines, access the VM Host Virtual Machines tab or
any tab that allows you to select multiple virtual machines. Then select the virtual machines to
migrate by clicking the appropriate check boxes.
2. To start the Migrate Virtual Machine wizard, select ToolsMigrate Virtual Machine... from
the VM Manager menu bar. This displays the first of two Migrate Virtual Machine wizard
screens, the Step 1 screen as shown in Figure 51.
NOTE: The ToolsMigrate Virtual Machine... option is enabled from any VM Properties
view or from any tab on which one or more virtual machines are selected.
90 Working with virtual machines