HP Color LaserJet 5500 series printers - Software Technical Reference Manual

Software Technical Reference Index 193
PCL 6 printer driver
autoconfiguration 18
bidirectional communication 18
custom paper sizes 185
description 40, 45
font DIMMs 95
help system 45
localization by operating system 109
paper source commands, HP Color LaserJet 5500 181
support for Windows 3.1x 160
supported features and attributes 182
.PCM files 95
PDEs (Printer Dialog Extensions) 162
Percentage of Normal Size option in printer drivers 63
PIN, assigning to print jobs 79, 102
plug and play component availability by operating system
point and print component availability by operating system
port, selecting for Windows 128
portrait orientation
description 84
duplex-binding option 53
supported by HP LaserJet 5500 184
supported dimensions 183
PostScript (PS) printer driver. See PS (PostScript) printer
PPDs (printer definition files)
availability of components by operating system 108
description 41, 162
localization of components by operating system 109
documents scaled to fit 63
images 50
page order for booklets 57
Print all Text as Black option in printer drivers 61
Print Document On option in printer drivers 62
print jobs. See jobs
Print on Both Sides option in printer drivers 52
Print Page Borders option in printer drivers for booklets 57
Print Quality Details dialog box (HP Color LaserJet default
settings) 58
print quality options in printer drivers 57
Print Quality portion of Finishing tab 50
printer command language (PCL)
supporting operating systems 15
printer definition files (PPDs). See PPDs (printer definition
Printer Dialog Extensions (PDEs) 162
printer driver options
% of Normal Size 63
binding 53
booklet printing 53
Copies 83
Current Watermarks 65
Destination Features 77
Document Options 52
dpi setting 57, 59
Driver Work Space (DWS) 93
duplex-binding options 53
Flip Pages Up 53
Font Settings 61
Fonts 94
Graphics Settings 59
Ignore Application Collation 95
Job Retention 78, 80, 81, 92, 101
Job Storage 81
manually printing on second side 59
printer driver options, continued
Other Options 92
Output Settings 59
Page Order 57
Pages per Sheet 57
Paper Handling Options 90
Print all Text as Black 61
Print Document On 62
Print on Both Sides 52
Print Page Borders 57
print quality 57
Printer Hard Disk 78
Printer Memory 92
Printer Model 89
Private Job 79, 102
Proof and Hold 79, 102
Quick Copy 78, 101, 102
Resolution 59
resolution 59
Scale Patterns (WYSIWYG) 61
Scale to Fit 63
Size is 70
Storage 92
Stored Job 78, 79, 81, 102
Watermarks 64
printer driver tabs
Advanced 100
All Pages 68
Back Cover 70
Basics 83
Configure 88
Destination 76
Device Settings 104
Effects 62
Finishing 50
Job Retention 101
Job Storage 101
NT Forms 97
Other Pages 69
Page Setup 99
Paper 67
Windows NT Forms 97
printer drivers
adding paper types manually 76
Adobe PS level 3 98
autoconfiguration 18
availability of components by operating system 108
changing in printer object 179
Color tab 86
configuring for hard disk 78
downloading Macintosh, AutoCAD, and IBM 108
downloading standalone 107
downloading system driver bundles 107
enabling hard disk or job retention for storage 92
extensions 85
features 45
help systems 45
included with HP LaserJet printing system software 40
installing only 158
installing when printer object missing from desktop 176
installing when printer object present on desktop 177
localization of components by operating system 109
location on installation CD-ROM 105
optimizing performance 93
support for Macintosh operating systems 41
supported features and attributes 182
supporting operating systems 15
viewing version number and date 85
Printer Hard Disk option in printer drivers 78