Printer Job Language - Technical Reference Manual

Processing Invalid
There are two general types of invalid commands: those
commands with syntax errors, and those that have syntax
or semantic warnings. Each type is handled differently.
Syntax errors cause the printer to ignore the entire PJL
command, and include errors such as unrecognized
commands and command modifiers, strings missing
closing double-quotes, numeric values missing digits
before the decimal point, and numeric values
encountered when alphanumeric values are expected.
When the printer receives commands with syntax errors,
it ignores the entire command.
For example, the value portion of the JOB command’s
NAME option is a string and requires double quotes
around the value (as shown below). In the second
example below, the JOB command is ignored since the
string (April Paychecks) contains the opening but not the
required closing quotes.
Valid command:
@PJL JOB NAME = "April Paychecks" <LF>
Invalid command:
@PJL JOB NAME = "April Paychecks <LF>
Syntax warnings and semantic warnings are issued for
commands such as those having unsupported options,
values that are out of range, values that are the wrong
type or missing, or values that are included when none
are allowed. When the printer receives commands with
syntax or semantic warnings, it executes as much of the
command as possible, but the portion of the command
containing the warning is ignored.
PJL Command Syntax and Format 2-9