HP PCL/PJL reference (PCL 5 Printer Language) - Technical Quick Reference Guide

EN 31
Polygon Group (continued)
Polygon Mode
Allows creation of user-defined polygons in the polygon buffer.
PM polygon definition [;]
polygon definition = 0 (Clears polygon buffer and enters
polygon mode)
1 (Closes current polygon or subpolygon
and remains in polygon mode)
2 (Closes current polygon or subpolygon
and exits polygon mode)
Fill Rectangle Absolute
Fills a rectangle specified with absolute coordinates.
RA X,Y [;]
X,Y = Coordinates of opposite corner of rectangle.
Fill Rectangle Relative
Fills a rectangle specified with relative coordinates.
RR X,Y [;]
X,Y = Coordinates of opposite corner of rectangle.
Fill Wedge
Defines and fills a wedge-shaped polygon.
WG radius,start angle,sweep angle[,chord angle] [;]
Line and Fill Attributes Group
Anchor Corner
Specifies the starting point for fill patterns.
AC [ X,Y] [;]
Fill Type
Selects the pattern to use when filling polygons.
FT [ fill type[,option1[,option2 ] ] ] [;]
Fill Type = description option1 option2
1 and 2 = Solid black ignored ignored
3 = Hatched line spacing angle
4 = Cross-hatched line spacing angle
10 = Shading % shading ignored
11 = User-defined raster-fill index ignored
21 = PCL Patterns pattern type ignored
22 = PCL User-
pattern ID ignored
Learn.fm Page 31 Tuesday, June 22, 1999 8:17 AM