Brocade Fabric Manager Administrator's Guide v6.1.0 (53-10000610-02, June 2008)

Fabric Manager Administrator’s Guide 313
Foreign fabrics
Foreign fabrics
This section describes how you can share devices between foreign fabrics and a fabric managed by
Fabric Manager.
Foreign fabric definitions stored in a .csv file can be imported into Fabric Manager through the
Share Devices wizard. The Share Devices wizard creates the logical SAN (LSAN) in the Brocade
fabrics that are being managed from Fabric Manager. The final (Summary) step in the Share
Devices wizard shows you the LSAN you need to create in the foreign fabric and the WWNs of the
members that belong to that LSAN.
When an LSAN is modified in Fabric Manager, the changes are made to the Brocade fabrics. For
foreign fabrics, the final zone definition is displayed. For example, if, in foreign fabrics, you delete
device D1 and add device D2 to LSAN_Test1, the output is similar to:
"Modifying the existing LSAN_Test1.
The final members list should be: D2,wwn1, wwn3, ... "
When an LSAN is removed from Fabric Manager, the output is similar to:
"Delete LSAN_Test1 from the active configuration."
Importing foreign fabrics
1. Create the .csv file containing the foreign fabric information. Use the following example as the
.csv format:
Type,Port Id,Port Name,Node Name,COS,FC4 Types,
2. Choose Tasks > Device Sharing and Troubleshooting > Share Devices.
3. Read the overview instructions and click Next.
4. Type a name for the LSAN. The name is automatically prefixed with LSAN_.
5. Click Browse to locate your .csv file; then click Open. (See Figure 210.)