Brocade Fabric OS Message Reference - Supporting Fabric OS v7.0.1 (53-1002448-01, March 2012)
66 Fabric OS Message Reference
Message <timestamp>, [AUTH-1039], <sequence-number>,, ERROR, <system-name>, Neighboring
switch has conflicting authentication policy: Port <Port Number> disabled.
Probable Cause Indicates that the neighboring switch has a conflicting authentication policy enabled. The_E-Port
has been disabled, because the neighboring switch rejected the authentication negotiation, and
the local switch has a strict switch authentication policy.
Correct the switch policy configuration on either of the switches using the authUtil command, and
then enable the port using the portEnable command.
Severity ERROR
Message <timestamp>, [AUTH-1040], <sequence-number>,, INFO, <system-name>, Reject
authentication on port <Port Number>, because switch authentication policy is set
to OFF.
Probable Cause Indicates that the local switch has rejected the authentication because the switch policy is turned
off. If the neighboring switch has a strict (ON) switch policy, the light will go off due to conflicting
configuration settings. Otherwise E_Port will form without authentication.
If there is no light on the port, correct the switch policy configuration on either of the switches using
the authUtil command, and then enable the port on the neighboring switch using the portEnable
command. If the E_Port formed, no action is required.
Severity INFO
Message <timestamp>, [AUTH-1041], <sequence-number>,, ERROR, <system-name>, Port <port
number> has been disabled, because an authentication-reject was received with code
'<Reason String>' and explanation '<Explanation String>'.
Probable Cause The specified port had been disabled, because it received an authentication-reject response from
the connected switch/device. The error might indicate that an invalid entity attempted to connect to
the switch.
Check the connection port for a possible security attack.
Check the shared secrets using the secAuthSecret command and reinitialize authentication using
the portDisable and portEnable commands.
If the message persists, run the supportFtp command (as needed) to set up automatic FTP
transfers; then run the supportSave command and contact your switch service provider.
Severity ERROR