Brocade Fabric OS Administrator's Guide - Supporting Fabric OS v7.0.1 (53-1002446-01, March 2012)

510 Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide
Fabric configurations for interconnectivity
When configuring an EX_Port, you have the option to request a front domain with the portCfgEXPort
-d command. If you request a front domain that is not within the valid range for M-EOSc, then the
Fibre Channel router will internally request a valid M-EOSc domain ID.
For M-EOSc switches, after the port is properly configured and connected, running switchShow on
the FC router displays the M-EOSc switch that is connected. On the M-EOSc switch, the show fabric
topology command displays the front domain in WWN format (for example,
10:00:00:05:1e:7e:a9:f6). If the LSAN is configured and proxy devices are created, the proxy
device appears in the name server of the edge fabric, and the translate (xlate) domain appears in
the edge fabric. For M-EOSn switches, the fc show fabric 1 command displays the front domain in
WWN format, like in EOSc. The same is true for the xlate domain, but the vendor will display as
Fabric configurations for interconnectivity
To connect a Fabric OS fabric with an M-EOS fabric using an FC router, you must configure the
switch on both fabrics as well as the router, as described in the following sections.
Trunking is not supported on EX_Ports connected to the M-EOS fabric.
Connectivity modes
You can connect to M-EOS fabrics in both McDATA Open mode or McDATA Fabric mode using Fibre
Channel Routing as discussed in Chapter 24, “Using FC-FC Routing to Connect Fabrics”. If the
mode is not configured correctly, the port is disabled because of incompatibility.
To allow interconnectivity with M-EOS SANs, use the -m option of the portCfgEXPort command to
indicate the connectivity mode. Table 84 lists the valid parameters to use with the -m option to set
the connectivity mode.
You can display the current operational mode of the EX_Port by issuing the portCfgEXPort
command with the port number as the only parameter.
The following command sequence is an example to connect port 5 to an M-EOS fabric in McDATA
Fabric Mode:
switch:admin> portdisable 5
switch:admin> portcfgexport 5 -m 2
switch:admin> portenable 5
See “Inter-fabric link configuration” on page 478 and the Fabric OS Command Reference for
details about the portCfgEXPort command.
TABLE 84 Values of portCfgEXPort -m option
Value Description Use
0 Brocade Native Default mode.
1 McDATA Open Mode 1 When the neighboring M-EOS switch is running in open mode.
2 McDATA Fabric Mode (native mode) When the neighboring M-EOS switch is running in native mode.