Brocade Fabric OS Administrator's Guide - Supporting Fabric OS v7.0.1 (53-1002446-01, March 2012)

Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide 493
LSAN zone configuration
Removing an LSAN tag
Use the following procedure to remove an LSAN tag. This procedure does not remove the LSAN
zone; it deactivates the tag so that LSAN zones with this tag in the name now behave as regular
LSAN zones.
You must disable the switch before removing an Enforce LSAN tag. You do not need to disable the
switch to remove a Speed LSAN tag.
1. Log in to the FC router as admin.
2. Enter the fcrlsan
--remove command to remove an existing LSAN tag.
If you remove an Enforce LSAN tag, you must disable the switch first.
Example of removing an Enforce LSAN tag
sw0:admin> switchdisable
sw0:admin> fcrlsan --remove -enforce enftag1
LSAN tag removed successfully
sw0:admin> switchenable
Example of removing a Speed LSAN tag
sw0:admin> fcrlsan --remove -speed fasttag2
LSAN tag removed successfully
Displaying the LSAN tag configuration
1. Log in to the FC router as admin.
2. Enter the fcrlsan
--show command.
sw0:admin> fcrlsan --show -enforce
Total LSAN tags : 1
ENFORCE : enftag1
sw0:admin> fcrlsan --show -speed
Total SPEED tags : 1
SPEED : fasttag2
sw0:admin> fcrlsan --show -all
Total LSAN tags : 2
ENFORCE : enftag1
SPEED : fasttag2
LSAN zone binding
LSAN zone binding is an optional, advanced feature that increases the scalability envelope for very
large metaSANs.
LSAN zone binding is supported only on FC routers with Fabric OS v5.3.0 and later. The FC router
matrix feature is supported only on FC routers with Fabric OS v6.1.0 and later.