Brocade Fabric OS Administrator's Guide - Supporting Fabric OS v7.0.1 (53-1002446-01, March 2012)

454 Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide
Configuring an extended ISL
The following example configures slot 1, port 2 to support a 100 km link in LS mode and be
initialized using the extended link initialization sequence. This example is for an 8 Gbps platform.
switch:admin> portcfgfillword 1/2 3
switch:admin> portcfglongdistance 1/2 LS 1 100
Reserved Buffers = 406
Warning: port may be reserving more credits depending on port speed.
switch:admin> portshow 1/2
portHealth: OFFLINE
Authentication: None
portDisableReason: None
portCFlags: 0x1
portFlags: 0x1 PRESENT U_PORT
portType: 17.0
portState: 2 Offline
Protocol: FC
portPhys: 2 No_Module
portScn: 0
port generation number: 0
portId: 010200
portIfId: 4312003b
portWwn: 20:02:00:05:1e:94:0f:00
portWwn of device(s) connected:
Distance: static (desired = 100 Km)
portSpeed: N8Gbps
LE domain: 0
FC Fastwrite: OFF
Interrupts: 0 Link_failure: 0 Frjt: 0
Unknown: 0 Loss_of_sync: 0 Fbsy: 0
Lli: 0 Loss_of_sig: 3
Proc_rqrd: 5 Protocol_err: 0
Timed_out: 0 Invalid_word: 0
Rx_flushed: 0 Invalid_crc: 0
Tx_unavail: 0 Delim_err: 0
Free_buffer: 0 Address_err: 0
Overrun: 0 Lr_in: 0
Suspended: 0 Lr_out: 0
Parity_err: 0 Ols_in: 0
2_parity_err: 0 Ols_out: 0
CMI_bus_err: 0
Enabling long distance when connecting to TDM devices
Use this procedure when connecting to Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM) devices and your Brocade
switch has QoS and buffer credit recovery enabled.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Disable QoS.
switch:admin> portcfgqos --disable [slot/]port
If you do not disable QoS, after the second or third Link Reset (LR), ARBS display.