Brocade Fabric OS Administrator's Guide - Supporting Fabric OS v7.0.1 (53-1002446-01, March 2012)

342 Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide
Administrative Domains overview
FIGURE 53 Fabric with AD0 and AD255
Home Admin Domains and login
You are always logged in to an Admin Domain, and you can view and modify only the devices in that
Admin Domain.
If you have access to more than one Admin Domain, one of them is designated as your home
Admin Domain, the one you are automatically logged in to. If your home Admin Domain is deleted
or deactivated, then by default you are logged in to the lowest-numbered active Admin Domain in
your Admin Domain list. The home Admin Domain, like the Admin Domain list, is a configurable
property of a non-default user account. Here is some additional information about AD accounts:
You can log in to only one Admin Domain at a time. You can later switch to a different Admin
Domain (refer to “Switching to a different Admin Domain context” on page 360 for
For default accounts such as admin and user, the home Admin Domain defaults to AD0 and
cannot be changed.
The Admin Domain list for the default admin account is 0 through 255, which gives this
account automatic access to any Admin Domain as soon as the domain is created, and makes
this account a physical fabric administrator.
The Admin Domain list for the default user account is AD0 only.
For user-defined accounts, the home Admin Domain defaults to AD0 but an administrator can
set the home Admin Domain to any Admin Domain to which the account is given access.
If you are in any Admin Domain context other than AD0, the Admin Domain number is included
in the system prompt displayed during your session. The following are example prompts for
when you are in the AD0, AD1, and AD255 contexts, respectively: