Brocade Fabric OS Administrator's Guide - Supporting Fabric OS v7.0.1 (53-1002446-01, March 2012)
Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide 251
Zone creation and maintenance
Deleting a zone
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account with admin permissions.
2. Enter the zoneDelete command, using the following syntax:
zonedelete "zonename"
3. Enter the cfgSave command to save the change to the defined configuration.
The cfgSave command ends and commits the current zoning transaction buffer to nonvolatile
memory. If a transaction is open on a different switch in the fabric when this command is run,
the transaction on the other switch is automatically aborted. A message displays on the other
switches to indicate that the transaction was aborted.
switch:admin> zonedelete "bluezone"
switch:admin> cfgsave
You are about to save the Defined zoning configuration. This
action will only save the changes on the Defined configuration.
Any changes made on the Effective configuration will not
take effect until it is re-enabled. Until the Effective
configuration is re-enabled, merging new switches into the
fabric is not recommended and may cause unpredictable
results with the potential of mismatched Effective Zoning
Do you want to save Defined zoning configuration only? (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
Viewing a zone in the defined configuration
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account with admin permissions.
2. Enter the zoneShow command, using the following syntax:
zoneshow[--sort] ["pattern"] [, mode]
If no parameters are specified, the entire zone database (both the defined and effective
configuration) is displayed.
The following example shows all zones beginning with A, B, or C, in ascending order:
switch:admin> zoneshow --sort "[A-C]*"
zone: Blue_zone 1,1; array1; 1,2; array2
zone: Bobs_zone 4,5; 4,6; 4,7; 4,8; 4,9
Validating a zone
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account with admin permissions.
2. Enter the cfgShow command to view the zone configuration objects you want to validate.
switch:admin> cfgShow
Defined configuration:
cfg: USA_cfg Purple_zone; White_zone; Blue_zone
zone: Blue_zone
1,1; array1; 1,2; array2
zone: Purple_zone