HP 3PAR Service Processor Troubleshooting Guide (QR483-96013, December 2012)

A Service Processor Process Overview
The following list provides an overview of the Service Processor (SP) processes.
SPCOLLECT - Periodically collects the storage system CLI data. The process also creates files
that contain the collected data, including the following file types:
The file types correlate to the file extensions found in Service Tools and Technical Support
(STaTS). The period of collection varies with each file type.
SPCOMMCTLR - Controls the communication from the SP to the Connection Portal. This process
checks the configuration of Customer Controlled Access and determines the method of transfer:
Ethernet or modem.
SPNETMON - Monitors the SP network and gathers active network interface statistics.
SPTRANSFER - Manages the transfer of files from the SP to the Connection Portal. This process
interfaces with modem or an Ethernet network to accomplish transfer.
SPUP2DATE - Monitors Connection Portal for software updates staged to transfer to the SP.
STANALYZE - Analyzes event files created by spevent. Develops the text abstract that describes
the event or alert. This process sends a message to the notification process.
STBACKDOOR - Sends information about the SP process problems.
STGRPNOT - Scans notification database and issues any grouped notifications that have met
their timing parameters. Low-urgency notifications are grouped before they are sent.
STLOGGER - A process used by all other processes to record process logging information.
This information is stored in the MessageLog.
STMONITOR - Monitors various services and checks for normal operation. This process issues
back-door notifications for abnormal conditions.
STNOTIFY - Sends email notifications to users who have subscribed to the local notification
14 Service Processor Process Overview