HP 3PAR Command Line Interface Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97016, June 2013)

is issued from the port whenever a VLUN is created or removed. See “SPECIFIERS” for additional
information on parameters required to issue this subcommand.
Verifies current port database against the Name Server when a fabric is attached. Entries present
in the database but missing from the Name Server are removed. Using this command is not required
under normal circumstances.
rcip addr
Sets the Remote Copy interface to use the specified IP address and netmask. See “SPECIFIERS” for
parameters required to issue this subcommand.
rcip gw
Sets the gateway for one or more Remote Copy interfaces. Only for RCIP ports. See “SPECIFIERS”
for parameters required to issue this subcommand.
rcip delete
Deletes the configuration for one or more specified Remote Copy interfaces. See “SPECIFIERS” for
parameters required to issue this subcommand.
rcip mtu
Sets the Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) size for the specified Remote Copy interface(s), overriding
the default of 1500. The largest supported value is 9000 and the smallest is 100. Only for RCIP
ports. See “SPECIFIERS” for parameters required to issue this subcommand.
rcip state up|down
Sets the specified Remote Copy interface(s) as either up or down. Only for RCIP ports. See
“SPECIFIERS” for parameters required to issue this subcommand.
rcip speed
Instructs the specified Remote Copy interface(s) to use the specified speed and duplex, or to auto
negotiate speed and duplex. The default is auto. Only for RCIP ports. See “SPECIFIERS” for
parameters required to issue this subcommand.
rcip ping
Performs a ping from the specified interface to the specified address. Only for RCIP ports. See
“SPECIFIERS” for parameters required to issue this subcommand. Use with the pf option to prevent
fragmentation of packets (see “SPECIFIERS”). Permitted for Super, Service, Browse, and Edit users.
rcfc init
Sets the specified Remote Copy interface(s) on the local port. Only for RCFC ports.
rcfc delete
Deletes the configuration for the Remote Copy interface on the local port. This will bring the
interfaces down.
Enables or disables interrupt coalescing. The specified port will be reset. See “SPECIFIERS” for
parameters required to issue this subcommand.
Sets the connection type. The specified port will be reset.
-unique_nwwn enable|disable
Enable or disable the use of a unique node WWN on the specified port.
m <mode>
controlport 89