HP 3PAR Command Line Interface Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97016, June 2013)

The compactld command consolidates space on the logical disks.
compactld [options <arg>] <LD_name>...|<pattern>...
Super, Edit
Any role granted the ld_compact right.
Compacts the logical disks that match any of the specified patterns.
This option consolidates regions onto the fewest possible logical disks. When this option is not
specified, the regions of each logical disk will be compacted within the same logical disk.
Waits for any created tasks to complete.
-taskname <taskname>
Specifies a name for the task. When not specified, a default name is chosen.
Specifies that the operation is a dry run, and the tasks will not actually be performed.
Does not ask for confirmation before compacting the logical disks. Unless the -f option is specified,
the command asks for confirmation before compacting each logical disk.
Only unused logical disk space is removed. Regions are not moved.
Specifies the name of the logical disk to be compacted. Multiple logical disks can be specified.
Specifies a glob-style pattern. This specifier can be repeated to compact multiple logical disks. If
this specifier is not used, the <LD_name> specifier must be used. Refer to “Glob-Style Pattern
(page 12) for further information.
compactld 77