HP 3PAR Command Line Interface Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97016, June 2013)

The following example displays all disk in magazine 0 of cage 0 and 1:
cli% showpd -p -mg 0 -cg 0,1
--Size(MB)--- ----Ports----
ID CagePos Type RPM State Total Free A B
0 0:0:0 NL 7 degraded 715008 684288 0:0:1* 1:0:1
8 1:0:0 FC 10 normal 69632 2560 0:0:2* 1:0:2
2 total 784640 686848
In the showpd output, when the position of the disk is not valid (for example, in the case of
a missing disk), the most recent position might be displayed, followed by a question mark
To see the device type for a PD (Fibre Channel, nearline, or solid state drive), use the showpd
Without the -i, -c, -e, -s, -path or -space options, basic information about the PD is
printed. Note that the primary path to the disk is shown by an asterisk(*) in either the APort
or BPort column, and a minus (-) sign following a path indicates the port is disabled.
If the <PD_ID> specifier and the -w option is not specified, all disks are displayed.
430 Show Commands