3PAR InForm® OS 2.3.1 Concepts Guide (320-200112 Rev B, February 2010)

Manually Reclaiming Unused Snapshot Space from Volumes
3PAR InForm OS Concepts Guide InForm OS Version 2.3.1
11.5 Manually Reclaiming Unused Snapshot Space from Volumes
You cannot manually remove snapshot and administration space from a Thinly-Provisioned
Virtual Volume because the InForm OS automatically removes any unused space.
Reclaiming dormant snapshot and administration space from a fully-provisioned virtual
volume and returning the space to the LD can only be performed when the volume is not
exported to a host, and if there are no snapshots of the volume. Creating physical copies of the
volume does not prevent you from reclaiming space.
You can reclaim snapshot space from a virtual volume with both the 3PAR InForm Command
Line Interface (CLI) and the 3PAR InForm Management Console. Refer to the 3PAR InForm OS
CLI Administrator’s Manual and the 3PAR InForm Management Console Online Help for
instructions on how to perform this task.
11.6 Deleted Volume’s Snapshot Space
The unused space associated with deleted snapshots of Thinly-Provisioned Virtual Volumes
(TPVVs) and fully-provisioned virtual volumes is automatically returned to the pool of logical
disks used by the CPG.