3PAR InForm® OS 2.3.1 Concepts Guide (320-200112 Rev B, February 2010)

Local Users
3PAR InForm OS Concepts Guide InForm OS Version 2.3.1
Creating local users and assigning system accessibility can be performed with both the 3PAR
InForm Command Line Interface (CLI) and the 3PAR InForm Management Console. Refer to the
3PAR InForm OS CLI Administrator’s Manual and the 3PAR InForm Management Console
Online Help for instructions on how to perform these tasks.
3.2 Local Users
Local users are users created on the system and access the system using the InForm CLI or
InForm Management Console. Each user is assigned one of four user classes during creation,
which allow varying levels of accessibility in the system. These classes are described in
Table 3-1.
The information used to authenticate and authorize a local user is stored directly on the InServ
Storage Server where that user was created.
For instructions on creating a local user, refer to the InForm OS CLI Administrator’s Manual and
the InForm OS Management Console Online Help.
Table 3-1. User Classes
User Class Accessibility
Browse Allows read-only accessibility.
Edit Allows access to most system functions, such as
creating and editing virtual volumes.
Super Allows access to all system functions.
Service Allows access to limited system functions to
service the storage server; allows limited access to
user information and user group resources.