3PAR InFormĀ® OS 2.3.1 Concepts Guide (320-200112 Rev B, February 2010)

The 3PAR SNMP Agent
InForm OS Version 2.3.1 3PAR InForm OS Concepts Guide Exposed Objects
The 3AR SNMP agent supports MIB-II system group objects. This section describes each of those
objects in detail. System Description
Access: Read-only
MIB definition:
Data type: Display string (max. 255 characters)
Default value:
3PAR InServ
Description: Identifies InServ Storage Server model, system ID, serial number and InForm OS
version of the master node. For example, if the system has four nodes, the sysDescr may
resemble the following:
3PAR InServT400, serial number 876541, InForm OS version 2.2.4. This is only
a brief system description. Use the InForm CLI to obtain further details about the system and
each node. This is a read-only attribute. System Object ID
Access: Read-only
MIB definition:
Data type: integer
Default value: 12925.1
Description: Identifies the unique product ID for the 3PAR InServ Storage Server. The first part
of this ID is the unique enterprise ID assigned to 3PAR, Inc. by ICANN (
12925). The second part
of this ID is the product ID assigned to the InServ Storage Server (1). If there are future
products other than the InServ, they will be assigned incremental integers (
2, 3, and so on).
The manager uses this ID to identify products manufactured by 3PAR. This is a read-only
attribute. System Up Time
Access: Read-only
MIB definition: sysUpTime
Data type: time-tick (1/100 second)
Default value:
Description: Indicates how long the system has been operational, beginning with system
initialization. This is a read-only attribute.