3PAR InForm® OS 2.3.1 CLI Reference (320-200166 Rev B, March 2010)

InForm OS Version 2.3.1 Command Line Interface Reference
The showvlun command displays information about Virtual Volume Logical Unit Numbers
(VLUNs) in the system, such as all active and template VLUNs. The display is divided into two
sections: the upper provides information about active VLUNs and the lower provides
information about VLUN templates.
showvlun [options <arg>]
showvlun -listcols
Super, Service, Edit, Browse
List the columns available to be shown in the -showcols option described below (see
clihelp -col showvlun for help on each column).
The [options] are generally of two kinds: those that select the type of information that is
displayed, and those that filter the list of VLUNs that are displayed.
By default (if none of the information selection options below are specified) the following
columns are shown:
LUN VVName HostName Host_WWN Port Type
Options that select the type of information shown include the following:
-showcols <column>[,<column>...]
Explicitly select the columns to be shown using a comma-separated list of column names.
For this option the full column names are shown in the header.
Run 'showvlun -listcol' to list the available columns.
Run 'clihelp -col showvlun' for a description of each column.
Show the World Wide Name (WWN) of the Virtual Volume (VV) associated with the VLUN.