3PAR InForm® OS 2.2.4 CLI Reference (320-200114 Rev A, March 2009)

InForm OS Version 2.2.4 Command Line Interface Reference
–st <item>
Specifies one or more PCI slots. Slots are identified by one or more integers (item).
Multiple slots are separated with a single comma (
1,2,3). A range of slots is
separated with a hyphen (
0–7). The primary path of the disks must be on the
specified PCI slot number(s).
–pt <item>
Specifies one or more ports. Ports are identified by one or more integers (item).
Multiple ports are separated with a single comma (
1,2,3). A range of ports is
separated with a hyphen (
0–5). The primary path of the disks must be on the
specified port number(s).
–cg <item>
Specifies one or more drive cages. Drive cages are identified by one or more integers
item). Multiple drive cages are separated with a single comma (1,2,3). A range of
drive cages is separated with a hyphen (
0–3). Disks must reside in the specified drive
–mg <item>
Specifies one or more drive magazines. Drive magazines are identified by one or
more integers (
item). Multiple drive magazines are separated with a single comma
1,2,3). A range of drive magazines is separated with a hyphen (0–7). Disks must
reside in the specified drive magazine(s).
–pn <item>
Specifies one or more disk positions within a drive magazine. Disk positions are
identified by one or more integers (
item). Multiple disk positions are separated
with a single comma (
1,2,3). A range of disk positions is separated with a hyphen
0–3). Disks must reside in the specified position(s).
–dk <item>
Specifies one or more physical disks. Disks are identified by one or more integers
item). Multiple disks are separated with a single comma (1,2,3). A range of disks
is separated with a hyphen (
0–3). Disks must match the specified ID(s).
NOTE: The following arguments, –tc_gt, –tc_lt, –fc_gt, –fc_lt, –devid,
and –devtype are used to limit the disks that are used to create logical disks
based on the characteristics of the disk drive.