HP 3PAR Command Line Interface Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97016, June 2013)

Logical disks must be available to run the createavv command. Issue the createald
command to create logical disks. See createald” (page 95) for more information.
The <adminspace_LD_ID>. <adminsize>, <snapspace_LD_ID>, and <snapsize>
specifiers cannot be used if the createavv -cpg command is issued.
The following example displays the creation of Virtual Volume vv0 with its user space set to 256
MB and its administrator space set to 256 MB:
cli% createavv vv0 0 256 1 256 2 256
Verify the creation of virtual volumes by issuing the showvv command. See showvv” (page 506)
for more information.
A newly created logical disk is guaranteed to be clean. Chunklets of logical disks that are
removed are cleaned before they are reused. However, regions of a logical disk that were
previously used (for example, by another Virtual Volume) can contain data from its previous
use. If these regions of the logical disk are mapped to your user space in a Virtual Volume,
that data can be visible to the host that the Virtual Volume is exported.
If this is a concern, remove logical disks when the Virtual Volume is removed and use only
newly created logical disks for your user space. Previous data in logical disks used for snapshot
data space or snapshot admin space is not visible to you because these spaces are only visible
after being written with new data.
For this command: MB = 1048576 bytes.
This command was deprecated in the 2.2.3 release and will be changed or removed in a
future release.
createavv 109