HP 3PAR Command Line Interface Administrator's Manual: HP 3PAR OS 3.1.2 (QR482-96525, September 2013)

Setting the TPDCSVTABLE Environment Variable on Solaris and Linux
To set the TPDCSVTABLE environment variable in Solaris and Linux, see the following system output
$ cli
Setting the TPDCSVTABLE Environment Variable on Windows
To set the TPDCSVTABLE environment variable in Windows:
1. Perform Step 1 through Step 4 of the procedure for setting the TPDSOCKSSL environment
variable in Windows as described in “Using SSL” (page 44).
2. In the Environment Variable dialog box, enter TPDCSVTABLE in the Variable box.
3. Enter 1 in the Value box.
4. Click OK.
Using the -csvtable Option
To set the -csvtable global option, see the following example:
$ cli -csvtable
Listing Domains
If you are using HP 3PAR Virtual Domains, you can configure data output to display a domain
column. You can configure the output by using the following:
The -listdom global option.
The TPDLISTDOM environment variable.
The setclienv-listdom command (if changing within the Tcl shell; for details about this
command, see the HP 3PAR Command Line Interface Reference).
The following example displays CLI output with and without the domain column:
CLI% showvv -listdom
---Rsvd(MB)--- -(MB)-
Id Name Domain Prov Type CopyOf BsId Rd -Detailed_State- Adm Snp Usr VSize_MB
0 admin Dom001 full base --- 0 RW normal 0 0 10240 10240
30 V3 - full base --- 30 RW normal 96 256 1024 1024
31 V3.ro - snp vcopy V3 30 RO normal -- -- -- 1024
29 VV5 - full base --- 29 RW normal 96 256 1024 1024
32 VV5.ro - snp vcopy VV5 29 RO normal -- -- -- 1024
17 VV_TeamCPG_1 Dom001 full base --- 17 RW normal 0 0 2048 2048
18 VV_TeamCPG_2 Dom001 full base --- 18 RW normal 0 0 2048 2048
8 vvfromcpg2.0 Dom001 full base --- 8 RW normal 0 0 2048 2048
9 vvfromcpg2.1 Dom001 full base --- 9 RW normal 0 0 2048 2048
22 total 960 1536 42752 48896
NOTE: If you previously did not use domains and have pre-existing scripts in place, you may not
wish to configure your output to display domains because your scripts may be adversely affected.
Global Options and Environment Variables 49