HP 3PAR Command Line Interface Administrator's Manual: HP 3PAR OS 3.1.2 (QR482-96525, September 2013)
3. Issue the checkpassword command to verify that the users have the roles you assigned for
the desired groups. Use a member of a specific group to verify the role.
system1 cli% setauthparam -f super-map software
system1 cli% setauthparam -f edit-map engineering
system1 cli% setauthparam -f browse-map hardware
In the example above:
• Users belonging to the software group are configured to have Super rights within the
• Users belonging to the engineering group are configured to have Edit rights within
the system.
• Users belonging to the hardware group are configured to have Browse rights within the
system1 cli% checkpassword 3paruser
+ attempting authentication and authorization using system-local data
+ authentication denied: unknown username
+ attempting authentication and authorization using LDAP
+ connecting to LDAP server using URI: ldaps://
+ simple bind to LDAP user 3paruser for DN
+ searching LDAP using:
search base: ou=people,dc=ldaptest,dc=3par,dc=com
filter: (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=3paruser))
for attributes: gidNumber
+ search result DN: uid=3paruser,ou=people,dc=ldaptest,dc=3par,dc=com
+ search result: gidNumber: 2345
+ searching LDAP using:
search base: ou=groups,dc=ldaptest,dc=3par,dc=com
for attributes: cn
+ search result DN: cn=software,ou=groups,dc=ldaptest,dc=3par,dc=com
+ search result: cn: software
+ search result DN: cn=engineering,ou=groups,dc=ldaptest,dc=3par,dc=com
+ search result: cn: engineering
+ search result DN: cn=hardware,ou=groups,dc=ldaptest,dc=3par,dc=com
+ search result: cn: hardware
+ mapping rule: super mapped to by software
+ rule match: super mapped to by software
+ mapping rule: edit mapped to by engineering
+ rule match: edit mapped to by engineering
+ mapping rule: browse mapped to by hardware
+ rule match: browse mapped to by hardware
user 3paruser is authenticated and authorized
In the example above:
• User 3PARuser is found to be a member of the software group and is assigned Super
rights within the system.
• Although 3PARuser is also a member of the engineering and hardware groups, the
Super rights associated with the Software group supersede the Edit and Browse rights
associated with the engineering and software groups.
• The mapping rules set for 3PARuser are applied to all members of the software,
engineering, and hardware groups; all software group members have Super
Configuring LDAP Connections 37