HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage Concepts Guide (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QR482-96384, June 2013)
system backplane An electronic circuit board that contains sockets into which power supplies and controller nodes
are plugged.
system box Feature on the HP 3PAR Management Console main window toolbar that enables you to move
quickly between systems.
system manager Software component that negotiates between the system and the user interfaces such as the HP
3PAR Management Console and HP 3PAR OS CLI.
system view pane Area in the upper right corner of the HP 3PAR Management Console main window that displays
information about systems and system objects as you select the corresponding icons in the
navigation tree.
target mode The firmware setting for a port that is connected to a host.
target port The port that is connected to and receives commands from a host computer. Also known as a
host port.
TOC Table of Contents. The space on a physical disk that contains the internal description of the system.
The TOCs on all physical disks in the system contain the same information.
TPVV Thinly-Provisioned Virtual Volume. A virtual volume that maps to logical disk space associated
with a Common Provisioning Group (CPG) and is therefore capable of growing on demand.
TSIH Target Session Identifying Handle. An identifier, assigned by the iSCSI target, for a session with
a specific named initiator.
When using the HP 3PAR Management Console, a property that has been included in a template
but does not have a defined value. When applying the template, the system will either use the
default value (when applicable) or calculate the optimized setting for you.
user data For standard base volumes, the data that is written to the user space.
user size The amount of user space in a virtual volume, or the size of the volume as presented to the host.
user space The space on a virtual volume that represents the size of the virtual volume as presented to the
host. For standard base volumes, the user space holds all user data. For Thinly-Provisioned Virtual
Volumes, no storage is actually allocated to user space, so the user space represents the volume's
virtual size.
virtual copy A snapshot created using the copy-on-write technique.
virtual copy policy Policy that determines the course of action to take when a volume's snapshot administration space
or snapshot data space becomes depleted.
virtual size The size that the volume presents to the host. For standard base volumes, the virtual size is equal
to the user space. For Thinly-Provisioned Virtual Volumes, no storage is actually allocated to user
space, so the virtual size is determined by whatever value is assigned to the user space.
virtual volume A virtual storage unit created by mapping data from one or more logical disks.
virtual volume
backup nodes
The controller nodes that take over for the virtual volume master node if the virtual volume master
node fails.
virtual volume
master node
The controller node that is responsible for a virtual volume from its creation to its deletion. When
the system builds a virtual volume, the system begins with the logical disk connected to the master
virtual volume
A subdivision of a virtual volume. The size of a region is always a multiple of 32 MB.
VLUN Virtual logical unit number. A VLUN is a virtual volume-LUN pairing expressed as either an active
VLUN or as a VLUN template.
VLUN template A rule that sets up the association between the name of the virtual volume and a LUN-host,
LUN-port, or LUN-host-port combination. The three types of VLUN templates are host-sees,
port-presents, and matched-set.
VV template Virtual volume template. The template contains a set of virtual volume parameters that can be
applied to create volumes with the same characteristics using the HP 3PAR Management Console.
A caching technique in which the completion of a write request is not signaled until data is safely
stored. Write performance with a write-through cache is approximately that of a non-cached
system, but if the data written is also held in cache, subsequent read performance may be
dramatically improved.
92 Glossary