HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage Concepts Guide (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QR482-96384, June 2013)

drive mount A metal bracket used to secure a physical disk to a drive magazine. Each disk must be secured
by two drive mounts.
encryption key A cryptographic key that is not exposed outside of the drive itself. The encryption key is used to
encrypt and decrypt all data stored on a drive.
ESI Enclosure Services Interface. Interface on the DC2 and DC4 drive cages through which the node
software communicates to the cage enclosure services controller to obtain enclosure and cage
status and control the cage behaviors.
event A detectable system occurrence.
export To present a virtual volume to a host. Exporting makes a volume available to a host by creating
an association between the volume's name and a LUN (logical unit number) for the specified host
and port.
Fast Class Drive type: either Fibre Channel or Serial Attached SCSI (SAS). With regard to drive types and
drive capacities, the abbreviation FC applies to Fast Class. With regard to ports, the abbreviation
FC applies to Fibre Channel only.
FC-AL Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop. A fast serial bus interface standard used to connect storage
devices to servers.
Fibre Channel
A Fibre Channel PCI host bus adapter (HBA) located in a controller node. The Fibre Channel
adapter connects a controller node to a host or to a drive chassis.
fully provisioned
virtual volume
A virtual volume (snapshot) with a set amount of user space and for which snapshot administration
space and snapshot data space draw resources from a Common Provisioning Group (CPG).
Gigabit Ethernet
A network adapter located in a controller node. The Gigabit Ethernet adapter connects a controller
node to a network in order to transfer data via the network.
grow To increase the size of a virtual volume or CPG.
growth increment The unit of storage space by which the system creates and allocates additional logical disks to
a Common Provisioning Group (CPG) when the volumes in that CPG require additional resources.
The minimum growth increment varies according to the number of controller nodes in the system
(from 8 GB for a two-node system to 32 GB for a eight-node system).
growth limit An optional setting that enables you to specify the maximum size to which a CPG can grow.
growth warning An optional setting that enables you to specify the size at which the system alerts you to the
amount of CPG growth.
host A path or set of paths, defined as either WWN or iSCSI names, to one or more ports on a system.
host definition The name of the host and the list of the paths (WWN or iSCSI) assigned to the host, if any. If
you remove all the paths assigned to the host, the host name becomes the host definition.
host-sees VLUN
A VLUN template that allows a specified host connected to any port to see a virtual volume as a
specified LUN (logical unit number).
HP 3PAR Recovery
Manager Software
A data-protection solution that provides restore operations for a variety of platforms, such as
Oracle, SQL Server, Exchange, and more.
HP 3PAR Remote
Copy Software
Software that enables you to create and continually update backup remote copies of virtual
volumes and use those copies for disaster recovery, if necessary.
HP 3PAR System
Tuner Software
The utility that enables the system to reallocate space usage in order to take advantage of
additional resources, such as added hardware or updated CPGs. The System Tuner identifies
underused chunklets and overused volumes, and balances the usage.
HP 3PAR Thin
Software that enables you to create a virtual volume that allocates resources from the CPG on
demand and in small increments.
HP 3PAR Virtual
Copy Software
Software that enables you to create virtual copies (aka snapshots) of virtual volumes. To create
a virtual copy, the system uses the copy-on-write technique, which creates an up-to-date snapshot
at the same time as data is written to the host.
HP 3PAR Virtual
Domains Software
Software that enables you to create distinct domains with domain-specific users and objects.
88 Glossary