HP 3PAR Command Line Interface Administrator's Manual: HP 3PAR OS 3.1.2 (QR482-96525, September 2013)

Adaptive Optimization Conversion
NOTE: This section applies only to HP 3PAR OS HP 3PAR OS 3.1.2. To modify an Adaptive
Optimization (AO) configuration in HP 3PAR OS 3.1.1 or earlier, see the “Changing an Adaptive
Optimization Configuration” section in the System Reporter Software User’s Guide..
Beginning with HP 3PAR OS 3.1.2, AO is implemented on the nodes together with an on-node
version of System Reporter (SR). For HP 3PAR OS 3.1.1 or 2.3.1, AO is implemented by SR.
There is no direct conversion from external System Reporter-based AO configurations and HP 3PAR
OS 3.1.2 AO configurations created using the createaocfg command. Table 14 (page 141)
lists the external SR AO configuration parameters and shows how they translate to createaocfg
command options.
NOTE: The schedule and measurement intervals are not part of an AO configuration. Instead,
the measurement interval is specified as options (-btsecs and -etsecs) for the startao
command, and the schedule is implemented by using the createsched command to create a
schedule to run the startao command.
Table 14 Adaptive Optimization Conversion Options
Commentstartao optioncreateaocfg optionExternal SR
Specify a name for the AO configuration in
the createaocfg command and use that
name for the startao command as well.
The system name is not required because it
is the system name itself on which the AO
configuration is being created.
System name
-t0cpgTier 0 CPG
-t1cpgTier 1 CPG
-t0cpgTier 2 CPG
Set a CPG warning or limit value for the tier
0 CPG instead.
Use setcpg sdg <warn
Tier 0
limit> for a warning limit, and setcpg
-sdgl <hard limit> for a physical limit).
Set a CPG warning or limit value for the tier
1 CPG instead.
Use setcpg sdg <warn
Tier 1
limit> for a warning limit, and setcpg
-sdgl <hard limit> for a physical limit).
Set a CPG warning or limit value for the tier
2 CPG instead.
Use setcpg sdg <warn
Tier 2
limit> for a warning limit, and setcpg
-sdgl <hard limit> for a physical limit).
The schedule is not part of the AO
configuration. Instead, you can create a
schedule using the createsched command
to run startao on the AO configuration.
The measurement interval is not part of the
AO configuration; rather, it is an option of
Measure Hours
the startao command. To translate the
measure hours directly into a startao
Adaptive Optimization Conversion 141