HP 3PAR Command Line Interface Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97016, June 2013)

sortcol <col> [,<dir>][:<col>[,<dir>]...]
Sorts command output based on the column number (<col>). Columns are numbered from left to
right, beginning with 0. At least one column must be specified. In addition, the direction of sorting
(<dir>) can be specified as follows:
Sort in increasing order (default).
Sort in decreasing order.
Multiple columns can be specified separated by a colon (:), Rows that have the same information
in them as earlier columns will be sorted by the values in the later columns.
filt <fspec>
Specifies that statistics that fall below the threshold as specified by the <fspec> arguments where
<fspec> is <type>, <op>, <meas>, <val>, are filtered out and not displayed. The type,
operation, meas, andvalue arguments are separated with one comma.
The type argument can be specified with one of the following arguments:
Specifies that only devices with current statistics above the threshold are displayed.
Specifies that only devices with average statistics above the threshold are displayed.
Specifies that only devices with maximum values above the threshold are displayed.
The operation argument can be specified with one of the following arguments:
Specifies that read-only statistics are displayed.
Specifies that write-only statistics are displayed.
Specifies that statistics for read and write totals are displayed.
The meas argument can be specified with one of the following arguments:
Specifies that I/O operations per second are displayed. If this argument is used, the
minimum threshold value must be specified using the <val> argument.
Specifies that statistics for bandwidth in bytes per second are displayed. If this argument
is used, the minimum threshold value must be specified using the <val> argument.
608 Stat Commands