HP 3PAR Command Line Interface Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97016, June 2013)

The statiscsi command displays the iSCSI statistics.
statiscsi [options <arg>]
Any role in the system.
-d <secs>
Looping delay in seconds <secs>. The default is 2.
-iter <number>
The command stops after a user-defined <number> of iterations.
-nodes <nodelist>
List of nodes for which the ports are included.
-slots <slotlist>
List of PCI slots for which the ports are included.
-ports <port_list>
List of ports for which the ports are included. Lists are specified in a comma-separated manner
such as: -slots 0,1,2 or -slots 0.
Shows the counts. The default is to show counts/sec.
Show the values for the full list of counters instead of the default packets and KBytes for the specified
protocols. The values are shown in three columns:
Current - Counts since the last sample.
CmdStart - Counts since the start of the command.
Begin - Counts since the port was reset.
This option cannot be used with the -prot option. If the -fullcounts option is not specified,
the metrics from the start of the command are displayed.
-prot <prot>[,<prot>,...]
Shows the statistics for the specified protocols. The available protocols are:
Eth - Ethernet.
IP - Internet Protocol (IP).
TCP - Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
all - All protocols (default).
This option cannot be used with the -fullcounts option.
Shows the differences from the previous sample.
598 Stat Commands